The life of Della Beatrice Howard Robinson, who is most known for having been the ex-wife of the late, great musician Ray Charles, goes beyond her marriage. Her life is an example of tenacity, fortitude, and the complications that arise from having a close relationship with a world famous figure. This article explores her biography in depth, providing a thorough examination of her upbringing, her connection with Ray Charles, and her personal development. Further information on Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s life and legacy can found in her frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Early Years and Upbringing

Early Life and Family

Midway through the 1930s, Della Beatrice Howard Robinson, better known by her nickname “Bea,” was born. Her early years spent in the South of the US, where she reared in a loving household. Strong morals and a sense of independence instilled in her by her family, and these traits would later prove to be vital in her life.

Early Influences and Education

Bea impacted by the social and cultural shifts she witnessed as a child. She worked hard to further her education, but specifics of her educational history are still unknown. Traditional values and the then-emerging modern cultural paradigms coexisted throughout her early life.

union with Ray Charles Meeting Ray Charles Della In 1954, Beatrice Howard Robinson got to know Ray Charles. It was by coincidence that they met at one of Charles’s performances. They had a strong chemistry right away and started dating with the intention of getting married. They got married in 1955 and started a life together.

Being Ray Charles’s spouse

Ray Charles was a tough and gratifying husband. Being linked to a music icon not only conferred several benefits but also presented a unique set of challenges. Together, Ray Charles Robinson Jr., David Robinson, and Robert Robinson were the couple’s three children.

Problems and Divorce

There were difficulties in their marriage. Their relationship strained by Ray Charles’s hard work and his struggles with addiction. Bea tried to help her husband, but in the end, the pair divorced in 1977. Bea’s life had come to an end with their separation, but it also gave her the opportunity to concentrate on her own development and wellbeing.

After Ray Charles, Life

Individual Development and Self-Sufficiency

After Della Beatrice Howard Robinson and Ray Charles parted ways, she concentrated on starting over. She was proud of her independence and worked hard to provide her kids and herself a happy life. Her post-divorce journey characterized by a quiet strength and a will to live her life independently.

ties with children

Bea made sure her kids had a secure and nurturing environment by staying in regular contact with them. She was a major influence on their lives, helping them navigate the challenges of being the offspring of a legendary musician. Their growth greatly aided by her devoted support and compassionate demeanor.

History and Significance

Public View

Della Beatrice Howard Robinson has consistently remained out of the spotlight and kept a modest profile. Even yet, she leaves behind a lasting legacy and influence as the person who supported Ray Charles during some of his most productive years. Hers is a tale of quiet courage and resiliency.

impact on Ray Charles

Bea’s importance on Ray Charles’s personal life cannot be overstated, even though his talent and vision the main forces behind his music and career. She played a vital part in his life and work by giving him stability and support during some of his most trying periods.

FAQs Regarding

Della Beatrice Howard Robinson: who is she?

Ray Charles’s renowned wife, Della Beatrice Howard Robinson, often called “Bea,” was him. Having a major part of Charles’s life during their marriage, she respected for her fortitude and tenacity.

How did Ray Charles and get together?

During one of Ray Charles’ concerts in 1954, she got to know him. Their instant spark resulted in a partnership, which followed by marriage in 1955.

What was the number of children and Ray Charles had together?

Together, Ray Charles Robinson Jr., David Robinson, and Robert Robinson were the three children of Della Beatrice Howard Robinson and Ray Charles.

Ray Charles and Della Beatrice Howard Robinson split up when?

After more than 20 years of marriage, the couple separated in 1977. Many obstacles, including Charles’s hard job and personal issues, contributed to their split.

What actions did take following her breakup with Ray Charles?

Following her divorce from Ray Charles, Bea concentrated on her own development and her kids’ welfare. She has kept a low profile by opting to lead a strong, independent life in peace.

What is the legacy ?

Her tenacity and encouragement during her union with Ray Charles will go on in her legacy. She recognized as a strong, determined woman who instrumental in the life of a legendary musician.


Della The life of Beatrice Howard Robinson is one of tenacity, fortitude, and subdued impact. Her marriage to Ray Charles has received a lot of attention from the public, but her life story and contributions are just as important. She has persevered through life’s challenges with dignity and tenacity, and she continues to be a symbol of quiet strength. Those who hear about her story continually motivated by her legacy, which is characterized by her steadfast support and fortitude.